viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014


I would like to visit Italy. It seems like a beautiful contry. When I was in Art I had a class about the history of art and we saw a lot of great artists who born in this country. I'm very interest in visit the places where they lived and the museums. I really like to go to Florence, a lot of artists from the Renaissance were born there, like Miguel Angel, Botticelli, DaVinci and Bocaccio, and I really admire their work.
In Florence I would like to visit the Uffizi Gallery where are paintings since Gothic until XVIII century, and the Academy Gallery where is the Miguel Angel's David sculture.

Rome is another place I would love to go. Is the capital of Italy. Is one of the mayors centers of the Italian Renaissance with Florence and has a lot of arquitectonic properties like the Colosseum. I really like to visit the Colosseum, it is an elliptical amphitheatre and also an iconic symbols of the Imperial Rome.
I would like to visit the Sistine Chapel and see the frescos that Miguel Angel made like the one in the picture.

martes, 24 de junio de 2014


Today I have to write about Chile. I was born and raise in Chile so I know a lot about this country. I really like his geography because we can find different kind of animals and nature in general. We also have different tipes of weather so we can choose whether to live with hot, cold or template weather.
I would totally like to live at the south of Chile, because I love the nature and that it is a place with a lot of nature, you can see green at almost every place you look at.
I think that there is just one thing I don't like about Chile and that is the absence of free quality superior education.The universities are making an exesive profit with something escencial in the society. I would totally change this. Perhaps not for all the chilean poblation, but for the best students of each school. I would make more sports based schoolarships, this way I also encourage people to have a healthier life.
I have been in other countries like Mexico. The principal differences between cultures are caused by the overage poblation that México haves.
I think the young international perception of Chile is that we party a lot and that we know how to have fun. I think that this is because the time that night clubs open and close and the amount of alcohol and drugs that we consume.This perception it is not wrong, but we shouldn't generalize it to all the young society.
I think Chile is a very interesting country and anyone that visit it will fell in love with the nature at day and with the fun at night.

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014


Today I have to write about movies so I will write about the last movie I saw in a cinema, Hævnen, the name in English is "In a better world". I saw it last week in El Biógrafo, a cinema in Lastarria.
Hævnen is a Danish drama movie written by Anders Thomas Jensen about the lives of two Danish families that cross each other. The movie takes place in a town in Denmark and in a Sudanese refuge camp. One of the characters is Anton, a doctor who works in the refuge camp and travels to Denmark a lot to see his sons and his ex wife, who is also a doctor. One of their sons, the oldest, is bullied at school until he is defended by Christian, a new student whose mother just died . After that, they made good friends, but this friendship became in a dangerous relationship.
The film is about power and impotent, justice and injustice. It's a very emotional and human movie.
I like it very much, the story has sad and beautiful and happy things, like real life. The acting is amazing and the photograph is very beautiful, it has a lot of details.
I really recommend it :)


miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014


Today I have to write about a career-related website that I enjoy visiting but the truth, I don't have any. But I know a website very interesting, it isn't only about psychology but it has some things about it.
The web site link is  
TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a global community and the mission of it is spread ideas with talks, books, a blog and events around the world. 
The website has a video section, where you can watch any of the talks. You can find talks about very different topics like science, business, psychology, global issues, almost everything. Most of the talks are in English but they usually have subtitles in Spanish, French, German and Arabic. 
I visited this site very often but with the things of my university I don't have a lot of time to watch the videos, but I really like it. The talks are always entertaining, the topics are very well explained so it is very easy to understand and the speakers always seems to love the things that they are talking about. 
Well, I invite you to visit the site and enjoy :)

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014


Today I have to write about my favorite music artist but I don't have one so I'll write about an artist that I like a lot: ZPU. His real name is Juan Prieto Sanchéz, he is a spanish raper and he born in 1981.

Z started his music career being a member of the hip-hop group called Muerte Acustica in 1994, a few years later the group changed of name to Magnatiz. After they launched two albums the group broke up .
On 2006 ZPU launched his firts solo album: Hombre de oro. Now he has seven albums, his latest album calls Doce Lunas and it was launched on 2013.
I like his music because it always has contents, in his songs he criticizes things about society like discrimination, animal mistreat, wars, politics and the superficial things that  the TV and some newspapers show. A lot of his songs are very soulful but he also has songs more simples and less deeper.
He has a few songs with others rappers that I like very much like Nach, Abram, Suko, etc.
On 2012 ZPU came to Chile with  Nach and I went to their concert, it was amazing. It was the first time that Z came to Chile and I hope he come back soon.
The link below is from a song for his latest album. The song is "Instinto animal" and he sings it feat Esther Ovejero.
This other link is the first song I heard

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014


Today I have to write about my favorite photograph but I really don't have one so I will talk about one that I like a lot.
Last Sunday I went to the museum of Bellas Artes with a friend. There we saw Sergio Larrain's exhibition. Larrain is a famous Chilean photographer who died in 2012, he is a renowned photographer around the world .
The photos of the exhibition were taken in different parts of the world like Chile, France, Peru, Bolivia, London, Italy and Algeria. All of them were black and white photos.
The following photo is the one I like the most.

It was taken in London in 1959 by Larrain. It shows three human figures in the city and lots of birds flying around.
I love the contrast of the black birds with the grey sky and the sensation of movement that I feel with the birds out of focus. 

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Tales from the Crypt

Hi! Today I'm going to write about one of my favorites cartoons, Tales from the Crypt, a horror cartoon for child. I watched it when I was like ten years old almost every day. I remember that I came back from school and the first thing I did was turn on the TV and watch it with my brothers while we had some snack. I liked it because I thought it was a very funny and scary cartoon and I love the voice of the principal character, a green corpse who introduces the story of the episodes. Now I really don't like it, the other day I saw a chapter and I couldn't finish because it was too boring but I still love the voice of the Crypt Keeper.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Ipod lover

My favorite piece of technology is my ipod. My dad, my mother and my dad's ex girlfriend gave it to me for my 17 birthday. I use it only to listen music but it can be also use to see videos, photos and play some games. I always use it in the bus on my way to the university or to my house while I read for my classes. I also use it in my house when I have a party, when I want to listen music very loud and when I meditate or do reiki, in this cases I plug in the ipod to a speaker.
I like it because it's easy to use, it's little so I can carry it everywhere I go, it's very beautiful, has a big memory and I can do reproduction lists.
My life without it would be very boring, I love listen music, it's makes me happy.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

I'm in my first year of psychology. This term I have seven subjects, English, Psychology, History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Investigation methodology and Psycho-biology. All my teachers and classmates are very nice. I really like Psycho-biology, the classes are very interesting and the teacher is funny. Anthropology is interesting too, we debate a lot in classes, sharing our different points of view. In History classes we are studying Chile's economy, it's so boring! Last week I fall asleep.
I was taking hip-hop classes in a gym near my house but I had to stop going because I couldn't afford it. So for now I'm 100% focus on my university classes.
This new academic period I expect to learn a lot and have a great time.

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Welcome to the jungle

Hi!  This is my very first blog and I hope you like it :)
My name is Carolina. I was born on the 3 June 1991 in Santiago, Chile. I went to Los Alerces school until I had twelve then I changed to San Nicolas Diacono school in Chicureo. When I finished school I studied Biology for three months in Catolic University but I didn't like it so I quit. The next year I studied Art in the same university and quit two years later. Now I'm in my first year in Psychology in Universidad de Chile and I love it!
I also studied Reiki level I in Ajna Om center.

My family is made up of my dad, José Antonio, my mom, Carolina and my six siblings but I live only with my mom, my sister Trinidad and my brothers, Santigo, José Antonio and Joaquín. My other siblings, Isidora and Federico live with their mother. These two are the youngest ones and I'm the oldest. I can't see them very often but I enjoy to the fullest everytime I'm with them.

In my free time I like to paint with oil and watercolor, see movies and television series like Prision Break, read, hang out with friends and listen to music. I also love to travel and meditate.